Webinar held in English on the conclusions of the report "Energy Transition in Poland. Edition 2024". The study is a much cited annual study of key and unique data on energy: its carriers, sources of generation, consumption by sector, prices or emissions.
Watch the webinar recording!
Poland's energy transition is accelerating: while coal remains the main source of electricity generation, its share in the mix is steadily declining, and renewable capacity is growing faster. However, the Polish power sector is still the most emission-intensive in the EU, we are increasingly dependent on oil, gas or coal imports from other countries, paying huge bills for it, and the stability parameters of the system are not improving.
One of the key problems of the transition is the lack of a clear strategy and coordination of activities, which increases the risk of further delays in the process or of incurring unreasonable costs for ill-advised investments.
The pressure for change in the energy industry is growing. The success of the energy transition will determine the development of the Polish economy and the condition of companies in the coming years. What is the status of the transition? What decisions need to be taken in the near future?
Learn more - the report "Energy Transition in Poland. 2024 Edition" is available at this link: